Action verbs won't save your resume


by Jesse Plunkett Posted on 3 years ago


The perceived importance of action verbs and power words is a good indicator that many jobseekers are forgetting about what (and who) matters most.

In past blogs, I’ve coined the term “apply with empathy” to encourage jobseekers to consider the hiring manager’s priorities, incentives, fears, and time constraints. Applying with empathy isn’t just about being a considerate person; it’s about improving the chances that your resume accomplishes its goal.

From this perspective, you should first make it easy for the hiring manager to process your resume. Complex or uncommon words will often lead to your resume getting skipped or scanned, while clear, simple language makes it easier to read and process your resume. If you wish to increase the probability of hiring managers reading your resume, then complex and uncommon words are doing you a disservice.

Even if a hiring manager trudges through a resume packed with complex words, what emotion will they feel? They are more likely to feel frustration than admiration. A clear resume is much preferable to a complex resume.

Hiring managers grant limited interview slots to applicants who match the job description and provide confidence in their ability to perform. The obvious use of achieves neither of these objectives. The purpose of a Thesaurus should be to find the most precise words for your sentences, not the fanciest.

Applying with empathy means applying with the fears and time constraints of hiring managers in mind. Instead of trying to get your resume noticed with your word choice, why not get noticed by becoming the most credible candidate? By linking your custom SafeHire URL at the top of your resume, you can stand out as the most credible candidate. Use your SafeHire profile to gather & publish validated testimonials from your past employers, HR officers, & educators.

Hiring managers prefer interviewing credible candidates and hate spending their time calling references they can’t verify. They will love you for applying with validated references upfront.

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