Gig Work Belongs on Your Resume


by Jesse Plunkett Posted on 2 years ago


Gig-work deserves proud placement on resumes.

I’d argue the gig arena is a customer service meritocracy. For example, if a ride-share driver’s ratings drop below 4.6, they risk deactivation. Poor service also leads to unsustainably poor tips, allowing the strongest to survive.

There are no organizational “free-riders” among workers dependent upon tips and reviews. Gig-workers must be proactive when no one is expecting them to clock-in and value urgency during their shifts. Gig-work is not a labor of last resort; for many skilled workers, it is a transitional income choice while waiting for a job suited to their expertise.

Employers want evidence of skills, not just claims. Your hundreds of reviews allow you to out-compete applicants who merely claim customer service skills on their resume. I don’t know about you, but when if I’m choosing a restaurant, I prefer to see hundreds of 5-star reviews over a website claiming good customer service. Hiring managers feel the same way.

On your free SafeHire profile, use your Portfolio to upload evidence of your gig-work ratings, along with other achievements such as past performance reviews and awards. Just link your SafeHire URL at the top of your resume, in the contact info section.

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